Monday, October 21, 2013

16 months of Carolina

Carolina just turned 16 months old.  I know that's not an official birthday but every 17th that comes it takes my breath away a little bit.  Just when I get used to ONE, two seems to be faster and faster approaching.

We did these monthly photos up until a year old.  If you are planning to do them just put them in the not easy but totally worth it category.  For the next baby, God willing, I'll just write in the months because once she realized that was a sticker on her belly it was all over!  You can use picmonkey or some other free editing software to write it on the photo.

We got a frame with 12 photo spots, the monthly stickers, and the onesies as a shower gift.  It was such a sweet idea!  

Celebrating the little milestones with photos is so precious.  I wish I were better about doing photo books but we do what we can!  I would love to establish some traditions in our family.  Besides celebrating birthdays and Christmas, I don't remember any growing up.  Wouldn't it be fun to have those moments that you share together that become the precious memories and history of your family?

What traditions do you incorporate into your family?  I'd love some ideas!


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