31 Days to Simplify

To go along with my Project 333, I'm also going to be doing the 31 Day Challenge with the group of bloggers that you can read about here and here.

Since I'll be simplifying my closet, I'm planning to do many simplification projects over the next month.  I've been hooked on reading some minimalist blogs like Be More With Less andMiss Minimalist.  Reading their posts is so inspiring and now I'm going to convert that inspiration into action.  I don't plan on becoming a die hard minimalist or only owning 100 things, but I'm totally in love with owning less. 

Maybe you want to do your own challenge for 31 days.  Go over to one of the sites and they explain how to get on board.  You can pick any subject you want and write about it for the month of October.  Fun!  Send me your link if you do it too! 

{Day 2} Inside my Closet

{Day 3} Pantry Organization

{Day 4} Out of Season Clothes

{Day 5} Revamping the Spice Jars

{Day 6} Yellow Curtains

{Day 7} Cutting the Cable

{Day 8} Tales from the Crypt

{Day 9} Sunday Thoughts on the Heart

{Day 10} Why I Deleted Facebook

{Day 11} Secret Weapon of Decluttering

{Day 12} A Beauty Tip

{Day 13} Boring Book Post

{Day 14} A Beautiful Vanity

{Day 15} Decluttering the Desk

{Day 16}  A Time to Throw Away

{Day 17} Update on Project 333

{Day 18} Pinterest to Simplify

{Day 19} Online Rewards Programs

{Day 20} Simplicity in Decorating

{Day 21} A Laundry Tip

{Day 22} Simplicity in Stationery

{Day 23} Living Generously

{Day 24} A Cluttered Closet

{Day 25} Simplify Your Inbox

{Day 26} A Simple Soap Tip

{Day 27} Simple Decor Updates

{Day 28} Minimal Makeup

{Day 29} Simple Birthday Party

{Day 30} Manna From Heaven

Our Trip to Rosemary Beach, Florida

I'm linking up again with  Erika ,  Andrea  and  Narci  for the Friday Favorites!  I love reading everyone's favorites too! ...