Tuesday, October 18, 2011

31 Days {Day 18} Pinterest to Simplify

Not that long ago if you talked about simplifying your inspiration ideas for decorating, dressing or cooking, you would be recommended to tear pages out of magazines and create your own personalized book of things you love.

I've had a couple of books like this and this is my current one.  It's really cool to have a book of things that I've loved over the years.  The thing that I notice is that my style doesn't change that much.  What I loved 5 years ago, for the most part I still love today.  There have been some shifts in decorating style though.  I used to like more antique and shabby chic look and now I like more simple, neutral but still cottage style.

The down side of this book is that I never take the time to look at it and never really have.  It was just something I did so I could pare down my collection of magazines.  I was tired of holding on to the whole thing for some article in there that I might read one day.

My binder from Target

An example of an article I tore out a long time ago.  I still love those things.

I have my book in my desk.  

It sure beats the stacks of magazines I used to have.

Another way that you could consolidate your ideas might be a bulletin board or a mood board.  I used to have a bulletin board but it wasn't working for me.

These are cool and I know they have their place for decorators.  They are great to pin fabrics to see how they look together.  But I am not a decorator and my bulletin board just looked messy and cluttered so it had to go.

In saying all this, I'm sure you've heard of what I'm going to tell you about.  It's Pinterest!  It's wonderful, inspiring, amazing and addicting!  It can help you simplify all your creative ideas into one place.  I love that you can steal other people's great ideas and follow their boards.  

I'll tell you an example of how I got inspired.  A couple of months ago I saw a cake on Pinterest and wanted to try it.  I signed up to make the cakes for a baby shower.  This is the picture I saw.

Ooooh, fancy!

And these are the cakes I did for the shower.

Not perfect but still impressive!

If you are like me and want to collect ideas somewhere, this is the place to do it.  It's easy, clean, organized and free!  You need an invitation to join and I can send you one.  I don't know how many I get but the first five people who ask me, I am certain I have that many.  

So who is on Pinterest already?  If you want to look me up, you can see mine here.  Let me know your thoughts.  Do you love the web for inspiration or prefer magazines?  Do you have your magazine file from years ago?  


beingFab said...

Those cakes are gorgeous!!! Wow!!! And I still have my binders for different stuff - recipes, fashion, decor, kid stuff. It feels very therapeutic to just sit and go through all the pages I've torn out, can't bear to throw it away!!

The Closet Therapist said...

Thanks BeingFab! That's great that you enjoy your binders. I really need to look at mine more. I'm not getting rid of mine either.


Our Trip to Rosemary Beach, Florida

I'm linking up again with  Erika ,  Andrea  and  Narci  for the Friday Favorites!  I love reading everyone's favorites too! ...