Wednesday, October 12, 2011

31 Days {Day 12} A Beauty Tip

I stumbled across this beauty tip accidentally.  While doing Project 10 Pan I used up all my lotions and even this oil that I bought for my belly when I was pregnant 2 years ago.  As I used up the oil on my legs I could feel and see my dry skin improving.  I occasionally have severe dry patches that itch.  When that oil was finished I went to the next lotion which was like fire on my skin.  It irritated and inflamed it.  

So I went hunting in the pantry for some oil and remembered that I bought this sunflower oil for something else and never used it.  I poured it into my little apothecary bottle and started using it.

It is the best thing for my skin.  The oil doesn't smell and absorbs quickly into my skin.  I even like it better than the other one.  It is organic so I remember it costed a little bit more, but when comparing it to lotions and oils that you buy for the skin, it's really cheap.  

I even used it on my face one night.  I still have night creams so I don't need to use that at the moment but when I run out, who knows?  Maybe it will be a great multi-tasker.  I used to use olive oil to take off my makeup and I'm sure this would be great for that as well.

How do you simplify your skin care products?  It's obvious that the industry wants us to diversify and uni-task as many items as possible to keep us buying.  I get tricked into it like anyone else but when you find something that works for you, you can rise above their ploys to get your money.  The key is that you have to believe that your substitute is effective or your eye will wander and just try this one  thing that becomes one more thing on your bathroom counter.


Fiona Ferris said...

I sometimes put oil over top of my night-time moisturiser and it feels like I'm getting the best of both! Lovely if my skin is really dry.

Your pregnancy story is heartbreaking :(

The Closet Therapist said...

Fiona-You must have really dry skin. I tried the sunflower oil on my skin the other night and it feels pretty heavy on my face. What kind of oil are you using?

It was a heartbreaking period of my life. It has been a journey that God has used for so much good though! I have been able to help other people hurting in the same way. It took me a long time to get to that perspective-I'm not a saint or anything. We are still hoping for a baby though. :)



Our Trip to Rosemary Beach, Florida

I'm linking up again with  Erika ,  Andrea  and  Narci  for the Friday Favorites!  I love reading everyone's favorites too! ...