Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Carolina's Fourth Birthday

I hate it when bloggers start post with it's been awhile, but goodness it has!  To say that my brain is scattered, would be putting it mildly.  Add a just-turned-four-year-old Carolina chattering in my ear, and it's no wonder I can put two thoughts together at all.

Soooo, Carolina turned four on June 17!  It was a splash pad party which was meant to be easier on us and was really fun but no less chaotic than being in the house.  It was so hot and I should have gone into the water myself!  Carolina had fun with her friends and besides the icing melting fast, it was a total success.

All of us except Nico 

Mommy made her a special cake.  It's tradition!

Carolina saying goodbye to her BFF Grace

Thank goodness someone else was always holding Nico!

Spoiled much?

She also got to celebrate at Sal y Pimiento in City Centre

Mommy had to take advantage of the 50% Kendra Scott discount for Carolina's birthday!

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Our Trip to Rosemary Beach, Florida

I'm linking up again with  Erika ,  Andrea  and  Narci  for the Friday Favorites!  I love reading everyone's favorites too! ...