Sunday, May 08, 2011

A Mother's Day Message

Mother's Day is a hard day for me.  It's doubly hard when you are trying to become a mother and have lost your mother.  I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all of you, but also send a little bit of a different message.

I want to remind you that if someone in your life has experienced the pain of miscarriage, don't forget them.  You don't have to celebrate with them the same way, but maybe just a hug and encouraging word.  You can say that you know this day might be painful for them but you are praying that next year they will know the joy of this holiday.  You can say that they are a mother in their heart.  
This day is also painful for those suffering with infertility and you may want to quietly acknowledge them too with a word of hope and encouragement.

For those who have lost their mothers, this day holds a pain that is almost unbearable.  When you lose your mother, you lose the person who loves you the most unconditionally in this world.  There is a tremendous loss in your heart and that is the only way I can describe it.  Please hug those around you who have lost their Mother!  A warm, loving hug can help heal their heart today.

Today we are taking the day off from all Mother's Day activities at church.  I knew this day would be hard so my sweet husband is taking me to Galveston and to a Greek Festival.  I want to acknowledge this day with peace and being loving to myself.  

I hope that all of you that are blessed to have your Mother will spend the day honoring her, and all of you Mothers are being honored for all your hard work.  You deserve all the hugs and love that you get today too!


Adrienne Shubin said...

Thank you for this touching post. Enjoy your day in Galveston - as much as you can. It's a happy day for so many, but, as you have so articulately pointed out, it's also a sorrowful day for some.

Fiona Ferris said...

Beautifully written.

The Closet Therapist said...

Adrienne & Fiona, Thank so much for your sweet comments. We had a great day!

Amanda said...

Hey there, I wanted to let you know that I think of you (all) often and when I check your blog, I enter in with hope that I will read a certain message. My prayer is that God will bless you with the opportunity to be a mother. Our church has over 20 females that will have had babies in a matter of 6 months...but I have to tell you that I am disheartened for those females that are not among those 20 and deeply want to be. It is bittersweet for me to share that just recently God blessed Matt and I with a daughter, Emmylou. Her name means "rival" and I wanted this to be her name because I know any being that sticks with my body (and survived an emergency c-section) is only something that God could make possible. I share that because I think you and I both know that pregnancy/birth/motherhood is something that is miraculous...even with as planned as many people in the world make it seem. I sincerely pray that God blesses you with such a rival. Thank you for your sweet message that hopefully sinks in to a lot of people's minds/thoughts. Let me know if you all have any more trips in the works (like you did for Costa Rica). Also, let us know if you are ever in the NC area; we welcome you in if so! with care, amanda

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. The infertility/losing your mother situation is my own, and it's the primary reason I avoided church yesterday. I literally hate this time of the year, much more so than the crass commercialization of Christmas and all the other "family" holidays. My dear husband took me out for tex-mex where I had a giant margarita and cried a bit. Then we started telling dirty jokes, and tears of sorrow turned to tears of inappropriate mirth. :-)

God bless the husbands of infertile women. So much of the focus is on our own pain that we forget the pain they suffer, too.

The Closet Therapist said...

Amanda, Congratulations on your sweet little girl. I love how the name has a special meaning to you. Thank you for checking on me here. I also hope to post that good news soon!

The Closet Therapist said...

Rebekah, I didn't know that you faced the same challenges as me. Thank you for sharing that with me. It sounds like you did the right thing for yourself too. Margarita, tears and laughter sounds like just the thing. You are right about the men in our lives. Mine has the patience of Job!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can never forget my mothers wonderful memory; she bathed me, dressed me and was always my ambassador whenever I needed a favor from my dad. It is very rare to find special people like our mothers I pray that God rests her soul in eternal peace. Amen!Mothers Day Messages

Our Trip to Rosemary Beach, Florida

I'm linking up again with  Erika ,  Andrea  and  Narci  for the Friday Favorites!  I love reading everyone's favorites too! ...