Wednesday, January 28, 2009

20 Things

20 Things I Love

1.  The clicking sound of makeup jars and lipstick closing.

2.  Clean sheets that are cool when you slide into them.

3.  The sound my phone makes when I get a new text message.

4.  Super hot coffee.

5.  Putting on a jacket that has silk lining.

6.  Taking a shower after a sweaty workout.

7.  Matching bra and underwear.

8.  Comments on my posts.

9.  Connecting and making new girlfriends.

10.  My collection of very girly movies.

11.  When I have a good eyeshadow day.

12.  New lipstick.

13.  Rainy days.

14.  Surprises.

15.  Searching for my signature perfume but knowing I like too many to ever find it.

16.  Having money to pay all the bills, even credit cards in full.

17.  Handwritten notes on personalized stationery.

18.  Sheets with my monogram.

19.  Alison Kraus's voice.

20.  The smell of a baby just bathed.

Care to share yours?  If you put it on your blog, send me a link to post here.


Senegal Daily said...

Just reading that list made me sigh and relax a bit!

Thank you for the encouraging comment you left on our blog post about moving to Senegal. We really do appreciate your prayers as we wait and figure this all out.

The Closet Therapist said...


I think I just heard the echo from your le sigh from France.

Be assured that you have my prayers and my admiration for such a courageous move!

Sherri said...

I wholeheartedly concur with #2, #5, #16, #19. If I could add one, it would be cuddling with my fuzzy Corgi.

La Belette Rouge said...

Great list. I might take you up on it and make my own list. Cuddling Lily would absolutely make the list.

Our Trip to Rosemary Beach, Florida

I'm linking up again with  Erika ,  Andrea  and  Narci  for the Friday Favorites!  I love reading everyone's favorites too! ...